How to Prevent Wrinkles Using Home Remedies Naturally

How to Get Rid of Wrinkles

Wrinkles are the result of lack of moisture and elasticity of the skin. Wrinkles, also known as rhytides, are folds in your skin. As you age, your skin produces less of the proteins collagen and elastin. This makes your skin thinner and less resistant to damage. Environmental exposure, dehydration, and toxins can make your face more likely to develop wrinkles. Wrinkles are a natural part of getting older, and there’s no reason to dread getting them. But if you would like to slow the signs of aging on your face, there are natural ways to do so. This happens mainly due to aging and some environmental factors.

Avoid exposure to the sun

Sun is a great source of vitamin D, but the rays might be sometimes damaging. UV rays from the sun increase the formation of free radicals which damage proteins and DNA. You should, therefore, wear protective sunglasses and cover-up clothes when out in the sun.

Consider using products with antioxidants for maximum protection. We have to be careful not to spend hours in the open air without protection. UV rays accelerate the aging process.

Quit Smoking or Avoid Smoking zones

Smoking speeds up aging by causing inflammation, generating more free radicals to damage collagen and the whole skin. When you inhale cigarette smoke in your mouth, you make a specific movement, and the contours of the lips are wrinkled. If you multiply it by the number of times you repeat it, it’s easy to see why these marks appear.

Cut Down Sugar Intake

Natural remedies to reduce wrinkles

Sugar binds to collagen through glycation rendering it useless and enhancing inflammation which causes oxidative damage from free radicals.

Use the Right Skin Care Products 

These are the products with vitamin A retinoids, vitamin C, and peptides.

These ingredients encourage collagen production and cellular regeneration.

Exfoliate Skin to Reduce Wrinkles

Natural remedies to reduce wrinkles

You have to start exfoliating and cleansing your skin from the age of 30 if you don’t want your face full of wrinkles at 50 or 60. Remember that makeup remnants, dust, sweat, and dirt build up and clog pores. When we remove dead cells, our skin is much healthier and less wrinkled.

Be Gentle On Your Skin 

Harsh cleansers, over-exfoliating, squeezing the skin, and using the wrong products make your skin susceptible to inflammation which causes inflammation in the end.

Consider Using Skin-friendly Oils 

How to Get Glowing Skin Overnight

These include argan oil and coconut oil. Coconut oil moisturizes the skin while Argan oil is rich in omega 3,6, and nine oils that keep the skin firm and soft.

Take Adequate Rest

Make sure you get 7 hours of straight sleep every night because otherwise, your body will produce more cortisol. This hormone, in addition to putting us on high alert, breaks down cells.

Lack of sleep is also the culprit in the appearance of dark circles and thus prevents the skin from recovering from the damage of the day.

Eat healthy Foods

If you don’t want to have wrinkles on your skin, you need to eat in a balanced way. This means that you must forget the fried products,  coffee, cakes, sweets and flour for example.

It is important to increase your intake of:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Bluefish
  • Whole grains

Eating a little chocolate now and then can protect against sun damage.