15 Best Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Blemishes Fast

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Blemishes On Face

What are blemishes?

Blemishes are any types of marks, spots, flaws or discolorations that appears on the skin. Blemishes on the face may be unsightly and quite embarrassing often times, but most are benign and not life-threatening. Seeking medical treatment or using home remedies may help reduce the appearance or cure blemishes.


Causes of blemishes

Blemishes usually occur due to one primary reason, and that is excessive production of oil. They are mainly the aftereffects of an acne burst. The pimple goes away, but it leaves behind scars that are left on your face and skin.


Some blemishes, like cold sores, are caused by viruses, such as HSV-1. The varicella-zoster virus (VZV) causes chickenpox.


Certain types of skin infections can cause blemishes to erupt on the skin. These include malassezia folliculitis (fungal acne), an infection in the hair follicles. This condition is caused by an overgrowth of yeast and causes pustules to form.


Acne may have a genetic link. Certain hereditary conditions can also cause blemishes to occur. These include:

  • Darier disease. These are wartlike blemishes which form on the skin that are oily, smelly, and hard to touch
  • Adult type 3 GM1 gangliosidosis. This is a rare, hereditary condition that causes noncancerous blemishes to form on the lower torso.
  • Fabry disease. This is an inherited disorder that involves a gene mutation. Small groupings of dark, red spots are a symptom.

Sun exposure

Overexposure to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) A and B rays can cause skin cancer, hyper-pigmentation, and other forms of skin damage.

Clogged pores

An overproduction of oil by the sebaceous glands can lead to blemishes. Often hormonal changes trigger this overproduction. Excess oil combined with dead skin cells, dirt, or bacteria often results in pimples, pustules, blackheads, and whiteheads to form.

Pores can become clogged from products, such as makeup, sunscreen, or moisturizers. Look for products labeled as noncomedogenic. These are designed to not clog pores.

Hairstyling products can also clog pores if they get onto your face.

Environmental toxins, such as dirt, car exhaust, and pollution, can sit on your skin, mingle with oil, and clog pores. You can also transfer dirt and bacteria onto your face by touching your face with your hands.


What you eat might have an impact on your skin. Food allergies and contact dermatitis can both cause skin irritation and bumps. Some dairy products, such as skim milk also may cause acne in some people. Diets high in sugar and simple carbohydrates may also lead to blemishes.


Some prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications may cause acne as a side effect. These include:

  • Corticosteroids
  • Androgenic steroids
  • Lithium
  • Antiseizure drugs


15 Best Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Blemishes

Here are some of the great natural remedies that you can try out.

1. Cocoa Butter For Blemishes

Cocoa butter hydrates and moisturizes the skin and also contains antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties that help to fade the blemish.

Method :

  1. Take a very small amount of organic cocoa butter and massage the affected area with it.
  2. Then leave it on overnight and wash off in the morning.

2. Healthy hygiene habits

Regular cleansing of your face, body, and hair can help eliminate excess oil, dirt, and bacteria on the skin. But don’t overdo it as it can further irritate your skin with too much cleansing.

3. Aloe Vera Gel For Blemishes

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Blemishes On Face

Aloe vera possesses healing and skin rejuvenating properties. It has antioxidants and polysaccharides that are responsible for these effects on the skin. 

Method :

  1. Cut an aloe vera leaf and extract the fresh gel from it.
  2. Apply this on the affected area and massage it in for a minute or two.
  3. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse it off with water. Apply aloe gel twice a day.

4. Baking Soda Remedy For Blemishes

Baking soda neutralizes the pH of the skin and also scrubs away the dead cells that have accumulated at the site of the blemish. This makes the blemish appear lighter. After a few number of applications, your blemish will be completely gone.

Method :

  1. Add a few drops of water or olive oil to 1 teaspoon of baking soda and mix well to get a paste.
  2. Apply this paste on the affected area and leave it on for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Slowly scrub the paste off and rinse the area with water. Repeat this twice a week.

5. Honey Remedy For Blemishes

home remedies for dark underarms

The humectant and emollient properties of honey nourish the skin cells and keep the skin in optimum health. Its antioxidants remove free radicals and fade away scars as new cells replace the damaged ones.

Method :

  1. Apply a layer of organic raw honey on the blemishes and keep it on for about 15-20 minutes.
  2. Wash it off with clean water. Apply honey every day to get rid of blemishes fast.

6. Lemon Juice For Blemishes and Dark Spots

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Blemishes On Face

Lemon juice can be highly effective if you are suffering from dark spots. The bleaching effect that it has is used to reduce the effects of dark spots and pigmentation.

Method :

  1. Take the lemon juice and apply it on your face and keep it for 10-15 minutes. After that, thoroughly wash it off with water. Done daily, you can see a noticeable decrease of dark spots and pigmentation on your face.
  2. Another method is to mix lemon juice with honey. This has a gentler effect on your skin, with the added benefit of also moisturizing it.

7. Egg White For Blemishes and Dark Spots

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Blemishes On Face

Egg whites have properties to improve your skin’s health, treat detrimental skin problems and purify your face’s appearance. Eggs are one of the many healthy super foods found in homes as an essential staple. Not only do eggs give your body protein when you consume them in various forms, but eggs also nourish your hair and skin. Thanks to lutein, eggs can hydrate and enhance the elasticity of your skin, and protein helps repair face tissues. Egg whites firm, tighten and tone your skin without the harsh chemicals found in some face washes.

Egg whites helps to prevent pimples and cysts, reducing acne and dark spots on your face. They can form a protective layer over your face to avoid sunburn and blisters. Numerous nutrients found in eggs may benefit your skin in more ways than one. Potassium, riboflavin, collagen and magnesium are nutrients in eggs that have their own benefits. Potassium hydrates and moisturizes your face and preserves the moisture in your skin cells. One egg white contains a good amount of potassium, which can help clear your face and make it clear and glowing.

Method :

  1. On clean skin, apply 1 egg white using either a face pack brush or your fingers.
  2. Let it dry for about 10 minutes and then rinse it off with water.
  3. Pat dry and apply a mild moisturizer. Apply this face mask twice a week.

8. Potato Juice to Treat Blemishes

Topical application of potato juice can help combat and cure a range of skin related issues such as skin darkening, scars, spots, blemishes, hard skin and more. Potato juice also works as a skin brightening agent and works wonders for the under-eye area too. It helps reduce dark circles. It has skin tightening properties and can reduce premature aging and wrinkles. Potato contains good enzymes that act as mild bleaching agents on the blemishes and dark spots.

Method :

  1. Grate one small potato and squeeze to extract the juice.
  2. Apply this on the blemish and leave it on for 10-20 minutes.
  3. Rinse with clean water. Apply potato juice 1-2 times daily for best results.

9. Yogurt Mask For Blemishes

Yogurt contains the probiotic Lactobacillus, which may help remove inflammation and acne. It is also loaded with lactic acid, an alpha-hydroxy that gently exfoliates skin.  Yogurt may have microbial properties that may treat minor skin infections as well. It also prevents future acne breakouts that helps to remove scars and blemishes from the skin.

Method :

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt, a pinch of turmeric and 1/2 teaspoon of gram flour and make a fine paste.
  2. Apply the mask on your face.
  3. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with water. Repeat this remedy 2-3 times a week.

10. Tomato For Blemishes

Regular application of tomato aids in the removal of blackheads, dark spots, scars, shrinking of pores, whitening and smoothing of the skin. Its antibacterial properties also makes it a good remedy for acne. The acidity in tomato helps to get rid of rough, dull skin and promotes great cellular renewal. It also helps to shrink large pores as well as brightens up complexion. The antioxidants and vitamin C found in tomato juice helps to remove blemishes and skin tan. Also, a natural astringent, tomato keeps the skin firm and helps diminish fine lines. It contains salicylic acid which cleanses and exfoliates skin to remove dead skin cells that can clog pores and cause acne, whiteheads or blackheads.

Method :

  1. Apply tomato pulp on the entire face.
  2. Massage for a minute or two and leave it on for 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse it off with cool water. Follow this routine daily for great results.


11. Toothpaste For Blemishes

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Blemishes On Face

Toothpaste dries out the acne and also absorbs the excess oil in that area. Toothpastes with essential oils like peppermint or mint can also help the healing of the blemish fast.

Method :

  1. Apply a tiny amount of toothpaste on the blemish or spot.
  2. Let it dry for about 10 minutes and then rinse it off. Reapply if required.


12. Apple Cider Vinegar For Blemishes

Apple cider vinegar works as an astringent and balances the skin’s pH while killing the harmful microbes that may infect the pores. Its mild acids help to lighten blemishes. The excess oil production is also brought under control with this.

Method :

  1. Make a mix of the vinegar and water with 1 part apple cider vinegar and 8 parts water.
  2. Store the solution in the spray bottle.
  3. Spray your face with this and let it dry naturally. Do this once or twice daily.


13. Oatmeal Mask For Blemishes

Oatmeal soothes and cleanses the skin and exerts antioxidant effects on the damaged and blemished areas. The lemon juice aids in lightening the blemishes.

Method :

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons uncooked oats with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and add some rose water to get a smooth paste.
  2. Apply this on your face and let it sit for about 10-12 minutes.
  3. Rinse it off with warm water.


14. Garlic For Blemishes

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Blemishes On Face

With its antibiotic and antioxidant properties, garlic can get rid of blemishes and acne scars easily. Garlic has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antiseptic properties from allicin. Allicin helps to kill the bacteria causing acne. It also helps to reduce swelling and inflammation, and improve blood circulation. These beneficial properties lets the skin absorb more nutrients. it also has thiosulfinates, which can act as an antimicrobial. It is believed that with regular use, it clears the skin.

Garlic contains some vitamins and minerals which helps to combat acne, like vitamin C, vitamin B-6, selenium, copper, and zinc (used to control oily substances). 

Method :

  1. Open the garlic capsule and add the content into your moisturizer.
  2. Dab this on the blemishes.
  3. Leave it on overnight. Repeat this every alternate night for good results.


15. Banana Peels For Treating Blemishes and Pimples

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Blemishes On Face

The natural compounds you find in a banana peel can help reduce inflammation and ensure that you can keep pimples at bay.

Method :

  1. Simply take the banana peel and rub the moist side on the side of your face.
  2. After 5-10 minutes, wash off your face.
  3. Do this three times a day, and you will find that your acne clears away quickly.


Useful Tips To Prevent Blemishes

  • Gently exfoliate your skin every day to remove excess oils and prevent spotting. However, you must consult a dermatologist before using any harsh scrubs on your skin.
  • Make the Cleansing-Toning-Moisturizing routine a part of your daily schedule.
  • Moisturize your skin with an oil-free and alcohol-free moisturizer every day after you rinse off your cleanser and before you put on any makeup. A moisturizer with alpha-hydroxyl acids may be good for your
  • skin, but you need to ask your doctor first as AHAs do not suit everybody.
  • Don’t poke, probe, squeeze blemishes or pimples with your fingers, especially if they are not clean. Let your cleanser and exfoliants do the job.
  • Use a natural sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher whenever you go outdoor as too much sun exposure can make blemishes worse and interfere with certain acne medications and treatments.
  • Improve your diet. You should consume fiber-rich fruits and vegetables in plenty. Consuming ginger and garlic is good.
  • Try to detoxify the body by drinking about 6-10 glasses of water on a daily basis.
  • Moderate exercise helps to detoxify the blood and clears your skin naturally.