30 Effective Home Remedies For Common Cold and Cough

Home remedies for cold and cough


Common Cold can occur at any time throughout the year but the most common are in late winter and fall. This condition acts as a gateway to many other respiratory problems. It’s called the “common cold” because you generally feel colder in this illness, than any other type of ailment. However, it should not be neglected.

Cough is a common reflex action which occurs when mucus or irritants run down the back of the throat. As soon as we start suffering from itching throat, we start looking for common home remedies for cough or traditional quick fixes to help with the symptoms. It is an indication that your body is trying to clear the breathing passage.

Natural ingredients from your home and kitchen can help you get rid of cold and cough quickly.

Symptoms of Common Cold

Some of the common symptoms are listed below:

  • Mild fever with chills 
  • Muscle Aches
  • Running or Blocked Nose
  • Sore/ Scratchy throat
  • Sneezing
  • Fatigue
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • Watery Eyes
  • Decreased Appetite



30 Effective Home Remedies for Cold and Cough :

1. Basil For Common Cold

Basil for treating for cold and cough.

Leaves of basil plant mixed with an equal quantity of dried ginger powder form an excellent substitute for tea during cold and flu. This may be taken by adding milk and sugar/honey three times a day.

2. Ginger For Common Cold

Ginger for treating for cold and cough.

Not only can it help lessen congestion, but it also’s a strong antioxidant, and has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral powers. Mix juice of one teaspoon of ginger and one teaspoon of basil with one teaspoon of honey, this needs to be taken two-three times a day. Some slices of raw ginger root added to boiling water may help soothe a cough or sore throat.

3. Oregano For Common Cold

Oregano for treating for cold and cough.

It has flu-fighting properties since it’s antibacterial, anti-fungal, and an antioxidant, and it can also be used as an expectorant to treat lung or respiratory conditions. You can take an oregano capsule twice a day with meals or make oregano tea to get relief from cold.

4. Ginger tea For Common Cold

Ginger tea as home remedy for cold and cough.

It not only tastes good but also helps in treating common cold and cough. The tea helps in drying running nose, thus removing phlegm from the respiratory tract. Among various health benefits of ginger, it is known well to soothe common cold and helps speed up the recovery process.

5. Mixture of Lemon, Cinnamon and Honey

Another good home remedy for cold and cough is a mixture of lemon, cinnamon and honey. Drink this remedy as this syrup is very effective and cures cold and cough.

6. Black Pepper For Common Cold

The heating quality of pepper helps in clearing congestion. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper with ghee and have it on a full stomach. You can also take black pepper powder with half teaspoon of jaggery, two times a day.

7. Ginger and Ghee For Common Cold

Ginger helps in relieving the congestion in the tonsils and acts as a natural analgesic. Small piece of Ginger fried in ghee (clarified butter), to be taken two times a day.

8. Turmeric Milk For Common Cold

Turmeric milk for treating for cold and cough.

Turmeric contains curcumin, an active agent, that has strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties which helps in treating infections. Drink a glass of milk with 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric daily twice to clear your throat. Another home remedy for a bad cough is adding garlic to the above blend. Simply, add one or two cloves of garlic with milk and then add a pinch of turmeric to it. This is an ideal drink for cough treatment because it helps in healing and soothing your throat. This gives immediate relief and helps in fast recovery.

9. Turmeric/Salt Water Gargle Remedy

Gargle with warm water mixed with turmeric powder, 2-3 times a day to relieve sore throat. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt with water and then gargle with it. Gargling with hot salt water reduces swelling in your throat when you’re sick and loosens germ-packed thick mucus.

10. Warm Water with Honey Remedy

Drink a glass of hot water mixed with the juice of two lemons and honey to taste. Take the same at bedtime as it gives relief from nasal congestion.

11. Elderberry Remedy

Elderberry for treating for cold and cough.

Elderberry, which is a herb has been used for a long time to treat cold and flu. It contains bioflavonoids that act as immunity boosters. Elderberry also has anti-inflammatory properties that help battle swelling in the sinuses.

Drink one to two teaspoons of Elderberry syrup once a day.

12. Apple Cider Vinegar For Common Cold

Add 1 tablespoon of the vinegar to 1 glass of warm water and drink it. You can add some local organic honey to the mixture to make it more palatable. Drink 2-3 glasses of this in the day.

13. Indian Gooseberry For Common Cold

Two to three teaspoon of fresh juice of Amla (Indian Gooseberry) or half to one teaspoon powder of the same is ideal to reduce cold symptoms.

14. Fenugreek For Common Cold

Fenugreek, a common kitchen ingredient, can be used to get relief from common cold as it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Boil 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in water for a few minutes. Let this cool down, add 1 teaspoon of honey, and mix well. Drink this water while it is still warm. This decoction can be had up to two times in a day.

15. Pomegranate Juice For Common Cold

Pomegranate for treating for cold and cough.

Pomegranate juice has a mild effect on the throat and ginger works due to its heating properties. You could give kids a mix of 1/2 cup pomegranate juice, a pinch of ginger powder along with pippali powder.

16. Cinnamon Remedy For Common Cold

Cinnamon for treating for cold and cough.

Because of cinnamon’s anti-fungal and analgesic properties, it can be used to treat bronchitis. It tends to be warming for the body, and it dilates your blood vessels. Make cinnamon tea by pouring boiling water over cinnamon into a cup. You can take one cup two or three times a day.

17. Garlic For Common Cold

Garlic for treating for cold and cough.

Garlic has powerful antioxidant and immune-boosting properties. Crush 2-3 cloves of garlic and ingest it along with the honey. Repeat this twice a day.

18. Thyme For Common Cold

Thyme is a powerful antimicrobial remedy that has volatile oils, like thymol and tannins, which work for spasmodic coughs and for fighting sickness. Melt organic honey and infuse it with chopped onions, thyme, and/or garlic for 2 or 3 hours, then strain it and add the resulting syrup to warm water or tea and consume as a tonic for cold.

19. Exercise For Common Cold and Cough

Moderate physical activity can strengthen your immune system, boosting your ability to fight off cold and flu viruses.

20. Fluids For Common Cold

Drinking more fluids will keep the mucus thin and flowing so you can more easily clear it out of your system.

21. Soup For Common Cold

Chicken soup for treating for cold and cough.

Chicken soup is a great natural cold remedies. It really is an effective remedy against colds and flu. Chicken soup consumption can limit or decrease the generation of white blood cells that worsen cold symptoms. Also, the fumes from the soup will thin the mucus and help it flow out of your nose, and the nutrients present will boost your energy levels.

22. Honey For Common Cold

Honey for treating for cold and cough.

Honey is known for its great anti-inflammatory properties. Hot lemon water and tea with honey are traditional remedies to sip when you’re sick, for good reason. Not only does steam from the warm liquids thin mucus and soothe congestion, but the honey is also an effective cough suppressant. Simply ingest 1 tablespoon of raw honey. Honey can also be added to a glass of warm milk and had before going to bed.

23. Epsom Salt Bath For Common Cold

Fill the bathtub with warm water. Keep the water warm or hot as per your comfort. Add 1 cup of Epsom salt and mix it in the water. Soak in this for 20-25 minutes or so.

24. Giloy Juice (Tinospora Cordifolia) For Common Cold

It builds your immunity and acts as an anti-allergic and thus, helps in treating cough caused due to allergic reactions to smoke, pollution or pollen.

In case of chronic cough, you must have 2 tablespoons of Giloy juice with water in the morning everyday till it gets better.

25. Zinc For Common Cold

Zinc supplementation may help shorten the length of a cold and lessen its symptoms.

26. Onions For Common Cold

Onions are anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agents, and expectorants too. This means that they loosen up the mucus that has accumulated in your nasal passages and chest so that it can be easily eliminated from the body.

Peel 1 red onion and cut into slices. Pour enough honey to cover the slices. Next, leave this overnight in an air-tight container in a cool place. Eat 1 or 2 honey-soaked onion slices in the morning.

27. Grapefruit Seed Extract Remedy

The antimicrobial properties of grapefruit seed extract can be helpful to get rid of the viral infection. Add 10-15 drops of grapefruit seed extract to water and mix well. You can drink this for about three times a day.

28. Olive Leaf Extract For Common Cold

Oleuropin, a key component found in the leaves of the olive tree, possesses many properties. Take 1 teaspoon of olive leaf extract with food. Ingest this three times a day, along with your meals.

29. Humidifier

Humidifier  for cold and cough treatment

Run a humidifier in the room to supply moisture to the air inside and this will keep your nose and nasal tissue moist.

30. Chamomile For Cold

Chamomile  for cold and cough treatment

Chamomile has ingredients that clear lungs and airways. The herb also has great anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Steep 1 tea bag in hot water for 4-5 minutes. Remove the tea bag and drink the tea. Have two cups of chamomile tea every day until the cold goes away.

When to see a Doctor

Usually cold or flu virus can last for up to 2 weeks, with symptoms usually at their worst for about 3 or 4 days. You should see a doctor if their cold or flu symptoms last longer than 10 days with no signs of improvement. If you have any unusual symptoms or your symptoms are very severe, you should contact your doctor. People who may have a higher risk of complications from the flu should contact their doctor when they initially have flu symptoms, as they may need antiviral treatment. If an infant less than 3 months of age has a fever, a parent or caregiver should contact a doctor immediately.