10 Effective Homemade Banana Face Masks For Treating Acne and Pimples

How to Get Rid of Wrinkles Fast

If you’re struggling with pimples or acne, consider whipping up these easy banana face masks for getting clear and glowing skin. The secret to beautiful skin is already in your kitchen! Bananas are loaded with vital nutrients and vitamins that makes banana face masks an extraordinary beauty remedy. Bananas protect our skin from free radicals and therefore delays the aging process. They are kind of nature’s painless low-cost Botox. Pamper yourself with these natural homemade face mask recipes.

Bananas are not only a nutritious and healthy breakfast food, but happen to have incredible beauty benefits when applied on your skin. Bananas contain vitamins A, B, E, and tons of potassium, all of which work to naturally fight blemishes by evening out skin, moisturizing, and combatting free radicals. Amazingly, even banana peels are able to reduce dark spots from sun exposure, whiten teeth, and can prevent and reduce the appearance of wrinkles significantly.

Combined with other beneficial natural ingredients, we can create effective banana face masks that can help in fixing various skin problems, such as reducing wrinkles, removing pimples, skin brightening and many more. While a simple banana mask alone will definitely nourish your skin and fight pimples, the banana face mask recipes below add in even more effective skin-clearing ingredients to leave you with glowing and refreshed skin no matter how harsh the weather is or how many sugary cookies you have consumed.

1. Banana & Avocado

While the banana cleanses, avocado will keep your skin soft, moist and supple.


Mash half an avocado with one ripe banana, then apply and leave on your face for 15 to 20 minutes, and then rinse with water.

2. Banana & Plain Yogurt

Add plain yogurt into your banana face mask to help reduce any inflammation and redness associated with pimples. Yoghurt diminishes the appearance of large pores, which otherwise makes your skin look aged. It also tightens skin pores.

Process :

Mix 1/3 cup of yogurt into a mashed banana, apply and leave on your face for about fifteen minutes, then rinse thoroughly with cold water.

3. Banana & Honey

Honey is a great beauty ingredient. It has moisturizing properties that heals cracked and flaky skin. It removes bacteria, averts acne and pimples which can otherwise cause dark spots. It also has skin lightening properties. While the banana works to clear your skin, honey ensures that your skin is soft and moisturized. 

Process :

Mix one mashed banana with a tablespoon of honey, rub on your face and leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse nicely.

4. Banana & Lemon Juice

The boost of citric acid in lemon juice really helps to cleanse and exfoliate skin. Packed with citric acid, lemon lightens dark skin and evens out discoloration. It also diminishes dark spots and blemishes. As this mixture is rich in vitamin C, it can brighten your skin and improve your skin’s texture.

Process :

Mash a ripe banana with juice from half a lemon, next rub on your face and leave for 10 to 15 minutes, and rinse wth water.

5. Banana & Turmeric Powder

Loaded with antibacterial properties, turmeric powder is a great addition to a banana mask and will remove the bacteria causing pimples. It kills bacteria to prevent occurrence of pimples and acne. It also has great skin lightening abilities.

Process :

All you need is a 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric into your face mask. Mix it with a banana. Apply and leave the mask for ten to fifteen minutes before rinsing with water.

6. Banana & Coconut Oil

Combining these superfoods and applying them on your face just makes sense. Coconut oil features lauric acid, which kills acne-causing bacteria. It also has amazing moisturizing properties.

Process :

Melt down a tablespoon of coconut oil (you can do this in the microwave) and stir it into a mashed room temperature banana. Apply to your face, leave for up to an hour. Massage your face gently for a minute or two and then rinse off the mask. Its deeply moisturizing properties will help hydrate dry skin.

7. Just Banana

Use just a banana as an all-natural, homemade face mask that moisturizes your skin and leaves it looking and feeling softer and younger.

Process :

Mash up a ripe banana into a smooth paste, then gently apply it to your face and neck. Let it set for 10 to 20 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water. Additionally, you can massage your skin with ice cubes after this. The application of banana will make your face glow and smooth out the rough skin.

8. Banana & Baking Soda

Banana and baking soda is a great combination for naturally cleaning acne. Baking soda is a natural deep cleanser and oil remover. It works as a versatile deep cleanser to unclog skin pores.

Process :

Take a ripe banana and mash it with a spoon in a bowl till it forms a smooth pulp. Add about 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda to your banana mask. Let the mask sit on your face for about ten to fifteen minutes before rinsing with water.

9. Banana & Pineapple Face Mask

You can keep that acne under control with this one.

Process :

You’ll need 1 banana and half a pineapple. Add the pineapple juice to the banana and mix well until a thick consistent paste is formed. Apply the paste to your face and let it sit for 15 minutes before washing it off.

10. Banana, Yoghurt & Orange Face Mask

Acnes and wrinkles will be a thing of the past with this amazing face mask.


You’ll need 1 banana, 1 tablespoon of yoghurt and 1 tablespoon of orange juice. Mix all the ingredients well to form a good paste. Apply this paste evenly on your face and let it sit for 15 minutes. Make sure to wash it off with cold water so that your pores are tightened.