craving for food

Control Food Cravings in 10 Easy Steps

Controlling food cravings can be a daunting task. When we crave a particular food or even just an ingredient like sugar or salt, several areas of our brain activates. These areas are traditionally associated with memory and sensory pleasure. This means that when we’re hit with a certain craving, it’s literally our brain telling us

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lose weight naturally fast

How to Lose Weight Naturally and Permanently

Losing weight can be really difficult sometimes. There are a lots of fad diets, workout routines, and pills out there that appear to help with losing weight fast, but in reality keeping pounds off involves changing your lifestyle and eating habits to become a healthier version of yourself. Natural weight loss, which includes practicing healthy

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22 reasons why Avocado is considered a Superfood

Superfoods have high nutritional density and are loaded with goodness. They provide a substantial amount of nutrients and very few calories. They also contain a high volume of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants and thus good for one’s overall health. Avocado is a rather unique fruit. It is full of healthy fats. It also has high concentrations of glutathione,

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